9 min read

"Triple design whammy" creating problem projects | Future for offshore wind looking grim | Unpacking unreasonable delays on global mega-jobs

"Triple design whammy" creating problem projects | Future for offshore wind looking grim | Unpacking unreasonable delays on global mega-jobs


no. 40

The global risk and claims consultancy HKA has released its sixth annual root cause analysis of global problem construction projects, concluding that a "triple design whammy" caused nearly half of them.

The Sixth Annual CRUX Insight Report, Forewarned is Forearmed, reviewed 1800 projects in 106 countries valued cumulatively at nearly $2.25 trillion. These projects generated claims and disputes that HKA worked on during a six-year period through August of 2023. The report ranks and analyzes the root causes of issues that created the problem projects in the first place. The key takeaways are particularly insightful given the report's global reach and deep dive into certain market sectors.

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