9 min read

Ending America's water crisis with WIFIA & P3s | Norway opens the world's largest floating wind farm | How to fix potholes forever

Ending America's water crisis with WIFIA & P3s | Norway opens the world's largest floating wind farm | How to fix potholes forever


no. 32

The President's National Infrastructure Advisory Council has approved a report that recommends a federal strategy for addressing America's water crisis.

Building twenty-first century infrastructure to meet the country's water needs - let alone maintaining what's already in place - won't be easy, so the National Security Council charged NIAC in December of 2022 with answering the following question:

How should the U.S. Federal government help critical infrastructure owners and operators prepare for the rapidly evolving water crisis (including the Colorado River Basin) and what actions should we take now to minimize cross-sector impacts?

The report is focused only on water resources (not wastewater) and provides a draft set of recommendations across three key categories: aiding infrastructure owners and operators (through enforcing standards for water use and quality and making it easier to fund new projects); mitigating the cross-sector impacts on America's water supply (by investing in dams, reservoirs, and power generation); and creating a national water strategy.

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