Infrastructure is headed into the future. Come along for the ride.

Infrastructure is headed into the future. Come along for the ride.

infrastruttura is an independent micro-publication that launched in January of 2023. It's published by me, Stephen Del Percio. I write a weekly 1500-wordish email update that generally covers three pieces of asynchronous news, articles, or other items of interest related to innovation in the design, development, and delivery of global civil infrastructure.

This weekly email update is yours for free if you sign up!

But if you sign up as a premium member, in addition to the weekly newsletter you'll also get:

  • Unrestricted access to our archives (including all of the weekly updates that I've published here since the first week of January in 2023)
  • Exclusive access to our resource pages (important links! contract clauses! our project risk calculator!)
  • Exclusive access to long-form content pieces (blockchain 101!)
  • Commenting privileges! Join a community of other premium subscribers who share our same passion for this incredible industry with full access to comments on every article.

Your subscription helps make this site possible and allows infrastruttura to continue to exist.

Thank you for your support!